In recent years, machine learning methods for scientific computing have attracted much attention. Many methods are a combination of machine learning and/or theories of physics and/or computational mathematics.
This conference aims to showcase the latest research in these areas, which have been fragmented while pursuing research in the same direction, to bridge the gap between them, and to promote collaboration.
Topics will include, but not limited to
- ML for scientific computing
- ML for model discovery
- Physics-informed neural networks
- Operator learning
- Geometric deep learning
- Numerical method for scientific computing
- Discrete mechanics
- Mathematics for ML for science
- Computational algebra for modeling and simulation
This year, this conference will be held in a hybrid format and online participation is possible. All oral talks will be recoreded and made available to participants.In addition, online oral/poster presentations are also allowed.
Synergies of Machine Learning and Numerics will be held in Osaka after SCML2025, offering a convenient opportunity to attend both events.
Please contact the organizers at yaguchi (at) pearl.kobe-u.ac.jp or scml25-committee (at) geom.jp with any questions.
Conference venue
721-1 Higashishiokoji-cho, Karasuma-dori Shichijo-sagaru, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto, 600-8216, Japan
There are many hotels around Kyoto Station, and we are pleased to offer two hotel options for participants attending SCML 2025. Please review the details below to select the plan that best suits your needs.
Common Details for Both Options:
- Check-in: 2nd March 2025 / Check-out: 8th March 8 2025 (6 nights). Participants may request minor adjustments to the check-in or check-out dates, though rates may vary accordingly.
- Meals: No meals included
Option 1: Kyoto Tower Hotel (Conference venue)
- Website: https://www.kyoto-towerhotel.jp/en/
- Room Type: One guest per room. Room preferences cannot be accommodated.
- Rate per night: 12,850 yen (including service charge and tax)
- Reservation Request Form: https://forms.gle/FwMo8FUhcLMmWhk96
Option 2: Hotel Hokke Club Kyoto
- Website: https://global.hokke.co.jp/kyoto/en/
- Room Type: Single room.
- Rate per night: 7,900 yen (including service charge and tax)
- Reservation Request Form: https://forms.gle/WC3ZKcbgf9XfnhMu6
- Full Name (as on Passport)
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- If applicable, any requested changes to the check-in or check-out dates.
Call for papers and submission guidelines
We welcome paper submissions from all related areas with the above topics.
- Submitted papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee. All accepted papers will be made available to conference participants. However, authors of accepted papers can choose whether to include their paper in the conference proceedings and make it public, or keep it non-public (and hence non-archival). If they choose to keep it non-public (and non-archival), the authors retain the right to publish the paper elsewhere.
- Submission of papers that are under review or have been recently published in a conference or a journal is allowed; but, in that case, these papers cannot be included in the conference proceedings.
- Each accepted presentation will be assigned to either an oral presentation or a poster presentation, according to the review reports.
- Submissions should not exceed four pages, excluding references and supplementary materials.
- All submissions must be in the pdf format based on the SCML style file. Please see template.pdf in the SCML style file for other details.
How to submit a paper
Please submit your paper via Microsoft CMT: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/SCML2025
Important Dates
- Paper submissions due:
January 5January 15, 2025 (AoE) - Notification to authors:
January 12January 26, 2025 (AoE)
Tutorial/keynote/invited speakers
Several keynote/invited/tutorial talks will be scheduled. In particular, we are planning invited talks by early and mid-career researchers, as this research field is still at the beginning stage and promoting young researchers is very important.
This year, we will invite as invited speakers a few students or young researchers (who have obtained a PhD degree within the five years, i.e., on January 1st, 2020 or later) who have published at least one paper related to SciML in top journals or famous conferences such as NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR. Travel and accommodation expenses for those selected as invited speakers will be covered by the conference organizing committee. Those who wish to apply for this opportunity should send the paper accepted for the above conference to scml25-committee (at) geom.jp by December 13, 2024 (AOE). Please understand that we have a limited budget and that we need to review applications.
The current confirmed tutorial/keynote/invited speakers are- Nikola Kovachki (NVIDIA)
- Taiji Suzuki (University of Tokyo/RIKEN)
- Takashi Furuya (Shimane University)
- Yury Korolev (Bath University)
Registration is required for you to participate in the conference. In particular, to present your work, at least one of the authors should make a registration.
The system for registration will be available soon.
Registration fee
- Early registration (until February 3, 2025)
- Regular participant: 50000JPY
- Regular participant (online participation only): 40000JPY
- Student participant: 30000JPY
- Student participant (online participation only): 20000JPY
- Regular registration
- Regular participant: 60000JPY
- Regular participant (online participation only): 40000JPY
- Student participant: 40000JPY
- Student participant (online participation only): 20000JPY
- Takaharu Yaguchi (Kobe University)
- Hiroaki Yoshimura (Waseda University)
- Nobuki Takayama (Kobe University)
- Toshiaki Omori (Kobe University)
- Takashi Matsubara (Osaka University)
- Kumiko Hori (National Institute for Fusion Science)
- Mizuka Komatsu (Kobe University)
- Baige Xu (Kobe University)